The following are some links to organizations with which we are affiliated, organizations we support, organizations in which our members are involved, and helpful resources.
Mennonite Church Links
- Brethren Mennonite Council for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Interests (BMC)
- Pink Menno Campaign
- Mennonite Church USA
- Central District Mennonite Conference
- Faith Mennonite Church
- Everence (formerly Mennonite Mutual Aid)
- Mennonite Central Committee
- Twin Cities Festival & Sale for World Relief
- Ten Thousand Villages - St. Paul / Minneapolis
- MennoLink
Peace and Justice Organizations
- Christian Peacemaker Teams
- Women Against Military Madness (W.A.M.M.)
- Living Peace Church (formerly Every Church A Peace Church)
- Veterans for Peace
- Friends for a Non-violent World
- Minnesota Alliance of Peacemakers