Our Common Ground
Saint Paul Mennonite Fellowship encourages each individual's exploration of faith. While we welcome people with a variety of beliefs, there are some fundamental beliefs we largely share. This "common ground" was articulated in April of 1994 and remains a living document for our community.
- We identify with the Christian/Anabaptist/Mennonite tradition.
- We are a community that worships God as Creator and Jesus as Savior and Redeemer; we seek the wisdom of the Holy Spirit which is present when we gather as a body of believers.
- We affirm and respect each individual's spiritual and theological journey and commit our selves to dialogue along that journey.
- We are open to new and creative perspectives on theology and are open to looking at our Christian tradition and stories in new ways.
- We are a people wary of rigidity who affirm a variety of ways of ministering.
- We are congregational in polity (decisions are made at the congregational level), yet strive for a creative and respectful balance between our congregation and the Mennonite Church as an institution.
Peace and Justice:
- We believe in the equality and worth of all people regardless of gender, ethnic background, age, ability, class or sexual orientation.
- We are people committed to justice and nonviolence in our homes, community, work and world.
- We believe in service within and outside our congregation. We are committed to voluntary service in our community.
- We strive to integrate our commitment to service into our respective vocations.
- We make a joyful commitment to the well-being and spiritual nurture of our children.
- We affirm the Anabaptist commitment to a priesthood of all believers and welcome the full participation of every child and adult in the community regardless of age, ethnic background, gender, ability, class or sexual orientation. We encourage each person to use their gifts fully within the community.
- We are a fluid but intentional community within an urban context.
- Within our community we strive for honesty, openness and respect within relationships.
- While many of us live in the West Side neighborhood and our historical roots are planted there, our focus is on the community of believers, regardless of geographical location.